Thursday, 23 January 2014

How To Be Fit Now

Let's get fit - people like to make a lot of New Year's resolutions about that.
I’m not one to take too many selfies during a workout à la Adriana but I share some rather fundamental and excellent tips with you that I’ve gathered over the years.

First of all being abroad in a warm place is the perfect place to kick off some fitness or improve on yourself. The heat makes you work harder and when you eventually fly home it will seem much easier. 

Key point – sweat is good. Embrace the sweat.
And obv if you’re embracing sweat you need to embrace water too, lots of it, to keep hydrated. Maybe even a rehydration sachet afterword if you’ve really pushed it.

Sprint training along any road is perfect as it doesn’t need to take long and can be done anywhere.
Try sprinting for 2 lamppost lengths and jogging slowly between one. The changing heart rate is the bomb for fitness and can be done properly in 20 minutes.
Doing smaller intervals up hills is even better. Learn to love an incline. 
Sprinting for 10/20/30 seconds full blast up a steep hill and jogging back down (repeating for as long as you can) is enough to see improvements really quickly.

If you’re abroad and staying by a beach then it’s the perfect surface for fitness, the resistance of the sand making you work harder but you also get to enjoy some cracking scenery. Win-win.
Doing it first thing in the morning is ideal due to it being cooler and there’s not as many sunbathers to avoid as later in the day.

It’s ideal to incorporate strength training alongside any cardio. 
Repeat after me: weights are friends not foe. 
If you want to tone (who doesn't?) then it is so necessary.

I apologise for the following image (and if you've already seen it) but you need to know if you don't already:

From the MTV VMAs in August, on the left a booty owned by Lady Gaga, on the right, something on Miley Cyrus. Take your pick (Gaga does weights).

At home if you’re a member of a gym sign up to some weights classes like body pump to get motivated. 
You’ll find muscles you never knew you had.

Whilst traveling you may be without gym gear but your own body weight does perfectly, including moves such as the classic push up, sit up, plank, lunges, squats and tonnes more moves. If you're at home there are so many youtube videos about quick exercise moves requiring no equipment to make it super easy.
Or how about taking a break half way through a run to find some space and get to it.

Jog on.

Sunday, 19 January 2014


So in the spirit of summer dressing I’ve been whipping out the shorts in South Africa, see Exhibit A:

The shorts are Bitching and Junkfood and the shirt, bag and shoes are ZARAduh (form hence forth any clothing purchased from ZARA will be referred to as ZARAduh, because well, duh).
Yes these shorts are extremely short so make any physical activity quite possible, if rather prone to exposure.

Later on, we paid a trip to the charming vineyard Constantia Utisg for dinner at its renowned restaurant La Colombe.

Poached duck egg!

Add truffle sauce and you're set

The menu is French and portions are small but filling to enjoy the delicate flavours, my kinda food.
Safe to say it was a successful meal.


Sunday, 12 January 2014

Cape Town Food Break

So I’ve been out of the loop over the Christmas period, away in South Africa avoiding the treacherous weather of home. In fact it was a miracle our flight got out of the airport at all but that’s another story.

Now the best thing about seeking out winter sun is the inevitable summer wardrobe that can be worn 6 months ahead of usual - genius. A
longside this is how tempting the great outdoors become when it’s 30 degrees and the sun in shining. The perfect excuse for exercise, except perhaps when the temperature has dropped just a little. Otherwise you’re sweating like it’s Bikram yoga up in here.
Anyhoo, with all of this activity you need fuel, what better time to source out the best foodie places when you’re abroad. 
Lets have a taster eh?

I’ve travelled to Cape Town previously but am always on the lookout for new places to visit, this year I did a bit of forward planning using Wallpaper and Suitcase magazines, both very cool for travel info.
First up, in the Cape Quarter, a renovated shopping and eating centre in the city, lies the dainty French café La Petite Tarte. Chic interiors add to the decidedly French menu.
My cup of tea. 

Whilst in the Quarter you CANNOT miss out on a visit to Nap, my favourite South African homeware, jewellery and clothing store. Kind of like Anthropology in muted tones. Chic.
I need to decorate my house with everything here and then lounge around in some stone-coloured pyjamas.

Now for lunch?
Yes, well the place to go is Tashas even Cheryl went, so it’s got to be good. 
We only went once which is a tragedy as I want to try everything on the menu but settled on avocado, artichoke and feta on toast with the sister having poached eggs and spinach.
Again, the décor sets it apart as well as the delicacies on show.

Aaand now I'm hungry. Damn.
