So I’ve been out of the loop over the Christmas period, away
in South Africa avoiding the treacherous weather of home. In fact it was a
miracle our flight got out of the airport at all but that’s another story.
Now the best thing about seeking out winter sun is the inevitable summer wardrobe that can be worn 6 months ahead of usual - genius.
longside this is how tempting the great outdoors become when it’s 30 degrees
and the sun in shining. The perfect excuse for exercise, except perhaps when
the temperature has dropped just a little. Otherwise you’re sweating like it’s
Bikram yoga up in here.
Anyhoo, with all of this activity you need fuel, what better
time to source out the best foodie places when you’re abroad.
Lets have a
taster eh?
I’ve travelled to Cape Town previously but am always on the
lookout for new places to visit, this year I did a bit of forward planning
using Wallpaper and Suitcase magazines, both very cool for travel info.
First up, in the Cape Quarter, a renovated shopping and
eating centre in the city, lies the dainty French café La Petite Tarte. Chic interiors
add to the decidedly French menu.
My cup of tea.
Whilst in the Quarter you CANNOT miss out on a visit to Nap,
my favourite South African homeware, jewellery and clothing store. Kind of like
Anthropology in muted tones. Chic.
I need to decorate my house with everything here and then
lounge around in some stone-coloured pyjamas.
Now for lunch?
Yes, well the place to go is Tashas even Cheryl went, so it’s got to be good.
We only went once which is a tragedy
as I want to try everything on the menu but settled on avocado, artichoke and feta on toast with the sister having poached eggs and spinach.
Again, the décor sets it apart as well as the delicacies on
Aaand now I'm hungry. Damn.
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